Talks On Psychoanalysis

Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
A plea for a third topicality.An intrapsychic representation of the intersubjective bond,even before the discovery of the object.
Can psychoanalysis be useful with infants? How can we think through concepts of metapsychology with infants? The two Freudian topics are in reference to the instances which are fruit of the completed intrapsychic differentiation process. How can they be useful with infants, who by nature are still undifferentiated and unfinished? In this episode Bernard Golse presents us with his arguments for a third topical approach. Drawing on his extensive experience of parent-infant therapy, he proposes a metapsychology of the primitive pre-object bond, a perinatal topic of mental representation of the intersubjective bond prior to differentiation of instances and object discovery.
Bernard Golse is a child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst (member of the Association Psychanalytiquede France) and Professor Emeritus of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Université Paris Cité. For many years he was head of the Child Psychiatry Department at the Necker-Enfants MaladesHospital in Paris. Among other associative activities, he is presently chair of the European Association of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology and he recently founded the Institut Contemporain de l'Enfance to promote psychological care and support for infants, children, and adolescents, with reference to psychoanalysis, psychopathology and pedagogy with links to the world of arts and culture because of the dialectic that exists between therapeutic creativity and artistic creativity. The three areas in which he has been most involved are early infant development, autism spectrum disorders and adoption issues. He is therefore particularly focused on the question of links.
A subtitled version of this podcast is available on our YouTube channel:
This episode has been produced in collaboration with Julia-Flore Alibert.
This Podcast Series, published by the International Psychoanalytical Association, is part of the activities of the IPA Communication Committee and is produced by the IPA Podcast Editorial Team.
Head of the Podcast Editorial Team: Gaetano Pellegrini.Editing and Post-Production: Massimiliano Guerrieri.
You can download the written text of this paper from this link:
This episode is available also in French
Recommended Links and Readings:
S. Missonnier and B. Golse, The third topography: a topography of the bond, 89-114. In : Autistic phenomena and unrepresented states – Explorations in the emergence of Self (edited by H.B. LEVINE and J.SANTAMARIA).
Phenix Publishing House Ltd, “Firing the mind”, A.Santamaria Picoanálisis México, Oxfordshire, 2023

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
This podcast discusses the political nature of psychoanalytic audacity in our era of fake news and disinformation. Today, gullible populations accustom themselves to the lies and misrepresentations of anti-thinking, often through the rumor-mills of social media, where any and every thought, no matter how bizarre, is leveled to an equality of consideration (Frankfurt, 2005; Hayden, 2018; Lipton, 2018; Miller, 2018). Opposed to this flattening of critical meaning, is the psychoanalytic model of enlightenment through mobilization of creative thinking.
Ian S. Miller is a clinical psychologist/psychoanalyst and writer based in Dublin. His most recent book is Clinical Spinoza: Integrating his Philosophy with Contemporary Therapeutic Practice (Routledge, 2022). He is also the author of Defining Psychoanalysis: Achieving a Vernacular Expression (Karnac, 2016); On Minding and Being Minded: Experiencing Bion & Beckett (Karnac, 2015); and co-author of Beckett and Bion: The (Im)patient Voice in Psychotherapy and Literature (Karnac, 2013) as well as On the Daily Work of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2018). He serves as Associate Editor on the American Journal of Psychoanalysis.
Link to the paper

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
The work proposes that the contemporary analyst can and should listen to the varied languages of man and, with a specific technical stance, help the patient, through intermediary moments, to think what was unthinkable, to name what was unnameable. It departs from listening to the language of the non-symbolic, which depends on the analyst’s capacity for reverie and their capacity to metaphorise the patient’s reports, to propose instead the construction of symbolic forms through the use of scaffolding for thinking. This is what permits the historicising, the placing of the patient’s life in a narrative. If this does not take place, there is an eternal presentification of the traumatic emotional experience, resulting in the “murder of time” (Green).
Ruggero Levy is a Psychoanalyst, Full Member and Training Analyst of the Psychoanalytic Society from Porto Alegre (SPPA), Brasil; Former President of SPPA; Chair of the IPA Working Parties Committee; Keynote paper/Major Lecture at the 50th IPAC in Buenos Aires, 2017; Ex-IPA Board Member from 2011-2013 and from 2013-2015; Professor and supervisor of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in the Courses of Specialization on Children, Adolescent and Adult Psychotherapy; Author of many book chapters and scientific papers published in regional, national and international psychoanalytic reviews.
This episode is available also in Portuguese
Ruggero Levy (2019) The polyphony of contemporary psychoanalysis: the multiple languages of man, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 100:4, 656-673, DOI: 10.1080/00207578.2019.1636251
Pair of Transverse Flutes, mid-18th century, Johann Wilhelm Oberlender (the Elder) Courtesy Met Museum, New York.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Portraits of the Wives of Emperors. Courtesy Met Museum, New York
Focusing on the concepts of “SELF” and ‘INTERSUBJECTIVTY”, the panelists Stefano Bolognini (Chair of IRED), Arne Jemstedt (Co-Chair for Europe), Ines Bayona (Co-Chair for Latin America) and Eva Papiasvili (Co-Chair for North America) will elucidate how the concepts change (mutate) as they cross (migrate) among different psychoanalytic and socio-cultural geographies.
ChairStefano Bolognini, Italy
Co-ChairEva Papiasvili, United States
PresentersInes Bayona Villegas, ColombiaArne Jemstedt, Sweden
Please visit to explore the extensive program and to register. The 52nd IPA Congress will be held online from July 21st to August 1st, and by visiting our program you can set your schedule to suit your personal time zone.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
In this episode, Carlos D. Nemirovsky presents an excerpt from his latest book: “Winnicott and Kohut on Intersubjectivity and Complex Disorders. New perspectives for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry”.
This book suggests that we need conceptualizations that encompass new clinical phenomena observed in present-day patients, considering that the traditional definitions of basic psychoanalytic notions are no longer comprehensive enough, due to the complexity of scientific developments within and beyond the psychoanalytic field. From this perspective, clinical practice with complex patients can particularly benefit from Winnicott and Kohut’s ideas, for these authors see each patient as unique, and are in direct contact with empirical facts.
Carlos D. Nemirovsky is a Training Analyst, Supervisor and President of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association. He is Professor of Psychoanalysis at the Institute of Mental Health, Full Member of the IPA and Member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He is author of numerous articles and books and has published in the APdeBA journal Psychoanalysis, and online in and
Intersubjectivity and Complex Disorders.New perspectives for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry.Routledge, London, 2020.
This episode is available also in Spanish