Talks On Psychoanalysis

Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Phantasy knotted around money as a drive derivative organizes unconscious modes of family survival. Social, historical, political, and economic considerations also influence the conscious and unconscious establishment of alliances, pacts, agreements, and rules to govern family life. Is the re-drafting of laws enough to solve the permanent difficulties of equivalence when couples and families talk about money and assets?
In this episode we will listen to Paulina Zukerman’s paper: “Couples and Families: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Money Issues”, in which she considers unconscious stipulations to be an illusory attempt to lessen the uncertainty of otherness. She draws references to Freud, Isidoro Berenstein and René Kaës.
Paulina Zukerman holds a PhD and is a full member and training analyst at the Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires. She is the director and tenured professor for the Master’s Degree Program on Family and Couples at the University Institute of Mental Health of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association and in Maringa, Brazil. She has published in several psychoanalytic reviews and works in private practice in Buenos Aires.
Link to the paper
This paper is also available in Spanish
Paulina Zukerman has also published articles in psychoanalytic journals:
“Apuntes para una psicopatologia de la economia cotidiana: El dinero en la clínica vincular” (2020): “Notes for a psychopathology of day-to-day home economics: money in clinical practice with linked patients.” Revista de Psicoanálisis de Guadalajara, N° 14, México.
“Intimidad en los vínculos familiares. Reflexiones a partir de diversas investigaciones”. (2017) “Intimacy in family links”: IPA Congress. Revista Psicoanálisis. Vol. XXXIX, N° 1-2.
“Sull'assimmetría nei patti e accordi familiari.” Family pacts and agreements:
about asymmetry”: Revista de la Societá Italiana di Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica (S.I.P.P.)(2006).
Zukerman PhD thesis, University of Buenos Aires, 2015: “Conceptual analysis of the relationship between unconscious pacts and agreements and the circulation of money in families and couples”.
The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434, Jan van Eyck. Courtesy National Gallery, London.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Over the last thirty years, there have been significant changes in the structure of families and couples. These include challenges to the traditional family structure, women’s empowerment, a rebellion against the patriarchy and the legitimization of same-sex couples. All of these have brought about a dramatic increase in the diversity of family configurations. In this book, the authors aim to take into account these new configurations and explore new ways of thinking about the links within families, couples and siblings. Their book describes clinical interventions which are based on the link approach, which enables the broadening of the range of classical psychoanalytic resources. The link approach is not content with proposing just one more application of psychoanalysis but seeks to account conceptually for the territorial expansion that has occurred in contemporary psychoanalysis.
The 3 authors are Buenos Aires Psychoanalytical Association Training Analysts and Professors at the Master´s Program in Family and Couple Studies in the University Institute of Mental Health of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytical Association.
Susana Kuras Mauer, has a Masters in Couples and Families and is an IPA Specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis.
Sara Moscona, is a Couples and Families Professor at the University of Buenos Aires.
And Silvia Resnizky was Director of the Master’s Program in Family and Couple Studies (2013 - 2017), an IPA Board member (2017-2021) and IPA Executive Committee member (2019-2021).
Psychoanalytic Work with Families and Couples:Clinical Perspectives on Suffering
Published October 15, 2019 by Routledge
158 Pages 16 B/W Illustrations
This episode is available also in Spanish